Tea workshop for the Japanese Language, Art, and Design students from the Calhoun
Annual Tea workshop for the Japanese Language, Art, and Design students from the Calhoun. All students are very polite and eager to...
本床ー軸 米国駐箚特命全権大使 佐々江賢一郎筆 萬物有理人心有情 大徳寺瑞峯院月次茶会 2017年7月28日 道具はアメリカの歴史を意識した見立ての数々。 軸は米国駐箚特命全権大使 佐々江賢一郎筆 萬物有理人心有情 花入はアメリカンネイティブ アラスカエスキモー作...
Northen Valley Regional High School at Demarest
Japanese National Honor Society Introduction Ceremony at Northen Valley Regional High School at Demarest. This is the fifth year that I...
Kids International Weekend School
私の生徒さんのお点前デビューの登竜門、キッズ国際学園でのお茶会は今年で十年目を迎えました。。 今年は高校一年のT君、高校三年のIちゃん、そしてうちの主人のお点前デビューです。 毎年春に全校生徒と先生方全員にお茶をもてなしています。 ...
the Calhoun High School in Manhattan
I had a tea ceremony and a lecture for the high school students of the Calhoun School in Manhattan.
Tea ceremony for non-Japanese at Keisui-An Globus tea house.
Tea ceremony for non-Japanese at Keisui-An Globus tea house. The Globus tea house is a very special space and I will fully prepare the...
"TEA FOR LIFE -Japanese Tea Ceremony by Murasaki"
Welcome to new homepage of TEA FOR LIFE - Japanese Tea Ceremony by Murasaki! You can check your classes and events schedule.