Chaji in Spring -The feast of flower〜春の茶事 花の饗宴
The art of the tea ceremony in NJ Chaji in Spring -The feast of flower〜春の茶事 花の饗宴 後座 濃茶 生徒さんのお点前デビュー 青木沢見さん作品 茶入、ブルックスブラザーズのネクタイで作った仕覆もデビュ...
Tea ceremony workshop at Rudolf Steiner School NYC
I was invited to teach Japanese culture through the tea ceremony. Steiner school is one of the best education systems for an earlier age....
The Art of the tea ceremony in New York@Private reception Vincenzo De Cotiis @Carpenterswarkshopga Tea by
Zoom Tea Class 茶カブキと廻り花
Challenge! 茶カブキと廻り花 Zoomでできる事は限られているが、それでも工夫して勉強とお稽古と楽しさを味わえるようにやってみました。 式法の理解も緊張感も楽しさも結構味わえたかと思います。
夏の茶人の仕事 灰作り その1
灰を粗いー細かいーかなり細かいの3段階にふるった後、最低5回洗います。 洗って、細かいザルで不純物を取り除きますが、永遠に終わらない。。。。 上澄みが綺麗になって不純物がなくなれば(少々残っていてももうどこかで割り切る!)...
Sakura Matsuri at Charles B. Wang Center @ Stony Brook University.
My son, Matthew eloquently presented the introduction of about "Sen no Rikyu" and "matcha" in front of hugh audience. Jiku -Hanging...
Tea Ceremony at Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Tea ceremony at the view pavilion in the Brooklyn botanic garden. All of us had tranquil moment with beautiful breeze and view. Tea bowls...
At the beginning of May there is the 'shoburo' tea event at the time of the change from hearth to brazier (furo). We will make "Haigata"...
Tea class at Brooklyn Nijinokakehashi Japanese Cultural Center Early Childhood Section
My 15-y-o son, Matthew teaches the tea ceremoy at Brooklyn Nijinokakehashi Japanese Cultural Center Early Childhood Section.